Friday, September 21, 2012

I am a designer

From cutting out paper-towel clothing for my dolls, to critiquing mannequins in store windows, I have always been passionate about fashion. What we wear is more to me than just pieces of fabric: It is a way of life. As long as I can remember I have been told that the sky is the limit, that what I can dream I can achieve and to always reach for the stars. Well, designing happens to be my universe. I know that no matter what happens I will always be involved in this industry. It is more than a degree or career choice. It is who I am; it is a part of me. I want to live life, laugh often, and love what I do. Fashion is my avenue to achieve my dreams and experience the world. I am proud to say, “I am a designer”.

Revisions and Problems Faced

Problems Faced
One of the main issues i had with this project was me breaking my hand. I am left hand dominant, so it has slowed down my process. I also faced issues like:
  • No Model
  • Balancing work and my other classes
  • Lighting/Location


My original plan was to do pictures of my clothes with a model, but when my model told me she couldn't make it i had to revise my original plan. I borrowed my sisters mannequin and used that to put my clothes on. I was going to include make up and hair but my model cancelled so i ended up sticking to just clothes and jewelry. I also thought it would be more professional to do a fashion "look book" instead of a poster. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Timeline- "I am a designer"

Project assigned September 12th, estimated time of completion September 20th.

Wednesday, Sept.12th: Group discussion and notes taken 
Thursday, Sept.13th: Finalized group notes, put them on Blogger. Began to brainstorm ideas and a start timeline.
Friday, Sept.14th:  Draw sketches for 3 concept ideas and show detailed notes. Upload to Blogger.
Saturday, Sept.15th: Draw sketches for 3 elements and show detailed notes. Upload to Blogger.
Sunday, Sept.16th: Upload all notes and sketches onto blogger, include photos of my process and identify problems i've faced with this project. 
Monday, Sept.17th: Buy all supplies needed for project (ex: scrapbook, fabric swatches, stickers, markers, etc.) Start/Finish i am a designer statement. 
Tuesday, Sept.18th: Start/Finish the spring and summer collection, put it all in the scrapbook.
Wednesday, Sept.19th: Start/Finish the fall and winter collection, put it all in the scrapbook.
Thursday, Sept.20th: Make sure everything meets requirements, and that everything is up on the blog.

Notes- Group Discussion

1.  Emphasis & Focal point
2. Unity
3. Balance

1.  Color
2. Pattern/Texture
3. Line
4. Shape

Ideas for my project:

  •       Collection using a visual window
  •       Scrapbook of outfits
  •       Make collection up by occasion (ex: date night, interview, everyday)
  •    Make collection up by season (ex: Fall, summer, spring, winter) 
  •       Needs to be a story and have reasoning (ex: for who, what, where, when, age, etc.)
  •       Show multiple aspects of each outfit in a collection (Clothes, shoes, jewelry, hair, make-up)
  •       Display fabric swatches with each season. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Alternating Rhythm

Alternating Rhythm

The pattern in the dress is anticipated, black line, white line etc. 
Alternating Rhythm:  An anticipated sequence. 
"You Need to Enable Javascript." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

Rhythm and Motion


The sand in this image is showing legato because of the flowing rhythm in the sand. 
Legato: Connecting and flowing rhythm. 
"Everyday Sugar: Silk and Sand..." Everyday Sugar: Silk and Sand... N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

Visual Rhythm

Visual Rhythm
This fabric swatch shows Visual Rhythm in the design. 
Visual Rhythm: Design based of repetition, and its visual in a design. 
"Montgomery Curtain Fabrics Save Upto 25% on RRP." Montgomery Curtain Fabric Rhythm 43 Mustard. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.