Friday, September 21, 2012

I am a designer

From cutting out paper-towel clothing for my dolls, to critiquing mannequins in store windows, I have always been passionate about fashion. What we wear is more to me than just pieces of fabric: It is a way of life. As long as I can remember I have been told that the sky is the limit, that what I can dream I can achieve and to always reach for the stars. Well, designing happens to be my universe. I know that no matter what happens I will always be involved in this industry. It is more than a degree or career choice. It is who I am; it is a part of me. I want to live life, laugh often, and love what I do. Fashion is my avenue to achieve my dreams and experience the world. I am proud to say, “I am a designer”.

Revisions and Problems Faced

Problems Faced
One of the main issues i had with this project was me breaking my hand. I am left hand dominant, so it has slowed down my process. I also faced issues like:
  • No Model
  • Balancing work and my other classes
  • Lighting/Location


My original plan was to do pictures of my clothes with a model, but when my model told me she couldn't make it i had to revise my original plan. I borrowed my sisters mannequin and used that to put my clothes on. I was going to include make up and hair but my model cancelled so i ended up sticking to just clothes and jewelry. I also thought it would be more professional to do a fashion "look book" instead of a poster. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Timeline- "I am a designer"

Project assigned September 12th, estimated time of completion September 20th.

Wednesday, Sept.12th: Group discussion and notes taken 
Thursday, Sept.13th: Finalized group notes, put them on Blogger. Began to brainstorm ideas and a start timeline.
Friday, Sept.14th:  Draw sketches for 3 concept ideas and show detailed notes. Upload to Blogger.
Saturday, Sept.15th: Draw sketches for 3 elements and show detailed notes. Upload to Blogger.
Sunday, Sept.16th: Upload all notes and sketches onto blogger, include photos of my process and identify problems i've faced with this project. 
Monday, Sept.17th: Buy all supplies needed for project (ex: scrapbook, fabric swatches, stickers, markers, etc.) Start/Finish i am a designer statement. 
Tuesday, Sept.18th: Start/Finish the spring and summer collection, put it all in the scrapbook.
Wednesday, Sept.19th: Start/Finish the fall and winter collection, put it all in the scrapbook.
Thursday, Sept.20th: Make sure everything meets requirements, and that everything is up on the blog.

Notes- Group Discussion

1.  Emphasis & Focal point
2. Unity
3. Balance

1.  Color
2. Pattern/Texture
3. Line
4. Shape

Ideas for my project:

  •       Collection using a visual window
  •       Scrapbook of outfits
  •       Make collection up by occasion (ex: date night, interview, everyday)
  •    Make collection up by season (ex: Fall, summer, spring, winter) 
  •       Needs to be a story and have reasoning (ex: for who, what, where, when, age, etc.)
  •       Show multiple aspects of each outfit in a collection (Clothes, shoes, jewelry, hair, make-up)
  •       Display fabric swatches with each season. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Alternating Rhythm

Alternating Rhythm

The pattern in the dress is anticipated, black line, white line etc. 
Alternating Rhythm:  An anticipated sequence. 
"You Need to Enable Javascript." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

Rhythm and Motion


The sand in this image is showing legato because of the flowing rhythm in the sand. 
Legato: Connecting and flowing rhythm. 
"Everyday Sugar: Silk and Sand..." Everyday Sugar: Silk and Sand... N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

Visual Rhythm

Visual Rhythm
This fabric swatch shows Visual Rhythm in the design. 
Visual Rhythm: Design based of repetition, and its visual in a design. 
"Montgomery Curtain Fabrics Save Upto 25% on RRP." Montgomery Curtain Fabric Rhythm 43 Mustard. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <>.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Rhythm: Element of design based on repetition. 
Personal photograph done by Megan Davis in Photoshop. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ways to achieve emphasis

Emphasis by contrast

The use of lighting and the color of her dress on the dark background draw your attention to her. 
Emphasis by contrast: Using light and dark to draw your attention to a focal point. 
"Fashion Photography Focus: Zhang Jingna Aka ZemotionMonoxious | Monoxious."Fashion Photography Focus: Zhang Jingna Aka ZemotionMonoxious | Monoxious. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

The girl in the tan is separated from the three girls in the back, making her the focal point. 
Emphasis by Isolation:  Placing and object by itself in order to make a focal point. 
"The Story Begin: Fashion Photography." The Story Begin: Fashion Photography. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

By placing her on the black ring made the girl in the photograph the focal point. 
Emphasis by placement: Where you put an object or design in order to make a focal point. 
"Fashion Photography By Solvay Sundsbo." Big Picture / Photographer's Paradise. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

Emphasis and Focal Point

Emphasis and Focal Point

Emphasis and Focal Point: Placement to draw your attention to a certain object.
Personal photograph done by Megan Davis in Photoshop.

Ways to achieve unity

The pattern in this design is repeating thus showing repetition in the design. 
Repetition: The same visual design repeated over and over again. 
"Interview: Patty Young on Mezzanine." True Up. Patty Young, n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

In this image the girl in the dress is closer to the camera than the people in the background. The placement was put like that on purpose to the girl would be the focal point. 
Proximity: The degree of closeness and placement in an image.
"Musings of the Urban Chic." Ã¢€¢ Fashion Photography 4. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.

In this design the stripes in the shirt are continuous and makes the viewers eye follow.
Continuation: Something continues, a line, edge or pattern. More subtle than proximity or repetition. "Collection of Casual Formal Clothes and Accessories » Blog Archive » Oversized Tee Dress with Lines Motif and Beads by Shakuhachi." Collection of Casual Formal Clothes and Accessories » Blog Archive » Oversized Tee Dress with Lines Motif and Beads by Shakuhachi. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.



Unity: The degree of agreement existing among a design. 
Personal photograph done by Megan Davis in Photoshop.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Radial Balance

Radial Balance
A dandelion shows radial balance because all the stems start from the center of the flower. 
Radial Balance: Visual elements balance around and come from one central point. 
Dandelion." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. <

Symmetrical Balance

Symmetrical Balance

In the design in this dress it shows perfect symmetry on the vertical axis.
Symmetrical Balance: Most simple kind of balance. Patterns are repeated in the same way on either the vertical or horizontal axis. 
"Embroidered Fountain Shift." Anthropologie. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2012. <>.


Patch work is the perfect example for Imbalance because it is usually uneven.
Imbalance: Occurs when forms are out of equilibrium in a pictorial composition. 

Patchwork Variations Sweater Dress." Anthropologie. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2012. <>.



Balance: Distribution of visual weight in a design or composition. 
Personal photograph done by Megan Davis in Photoshop.

Contrast of Scale

Exaggerated Scale

The butterfly is shown in an extreme scale and shows exaggerated scale perfectly because that is not the butterflies actual size. 
Exaggerated Scale: Extreme change in scale or proportion of an object.
Clozette. "You Need to Enable Javascript." Pinterest. Clozette B., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2012. <>.

The Golden Rectangle

Golden Mean
In this photo they're using the mathematical equation of golden mean, by placing her body is certain positions. Golden mean makes the golden rectangle.
The Golden Rectangle: Greek ideal of a perfectly proportioned rectangle using golden mean. 
Garn, Jake. "Golden Mean | Jake Garn Photography." Golden Mean | Jake Garn Photography. Jake Garn, n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2012. <>.


In this image they're portraying her hair as a birds nest. This shows surrealism.
Surrealism: Images that cannot be explained on rational terms. Based on a paradox. 
"Surrealist." - Shop for on Stylehive. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2012. <>.

Scale and Proportion

Scale and Proportion
Scale and Proportion: Both terms relate to size. Scale meaning size and proportion relating you relative size. 
Personal photograph done by Megan Davis in Photoshop.